The question of whether Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite processors would extend beyond mobile applications has been on many minds. Although Qualcomm has suggested broader possibilities in the past, the company’s CEO has now confirmed that desktop processors are indeed part of their plans. During the pre-IFA launch of the Snapdragon X Plus in Berlin, CEO Cristiano Amon provided significant insight.
Amon remarked, “We began with the Snapdragon X Elite, followed by the X Plus and a 10-core model. Today, we’re introducing the 8-core Plus to address different price segments. We are actively developing various desktop and mini desktop solutions, and you can expect us to explore high-performance desktop options as well. Our dedication to this journey is unwavering.”
Additionally, Amon hinted at closer ties with Chromebooks, a move previously hinted at by Google’s John Solomon. He indicated that more comprehensive information would be shared at an upcoming investor conference in November, where he will discuss the future trajectory of Snapdragon technology. “Keep an eye out for November,” Amon advised.