In the latest update to Visual Studio Code, Microsoft has introduced several enhancements aimed at improving the development experience, with a particular focus on automatic language detection. As of version 1.60, language detection is now enabled by default, streamlining the process of setting the appropriate language mode for untitled files. This machine learning-powered feature, which was initially previewed in version 1.59, is designed to analyze the content of a file and automatically assign the correct language mode, even for files that lack file extensions. This shift toward automatic detection ensures a smoother, more intuitive workflow for developers.
Visual Studio Code 1.60 also brings a host of other improvements. One of the notable features is the native bracket pair colorization, which eliminates the need for external extensions like the CoenraadS Bracket Pair Colorizer. This update addresses performance issues and provides a more consistent experience when working with nested code structures, helping developers to better visualize and navigate complex codebases. Additionally, fenced code blocks in setting descriptions now benefit from syntax highlighting, improving the readability of documentation and settings configurations.
For those who use Visual Studio Code’s terminal, there are also visual improvements. Box drawing and block element characters are now rendered using pixel-perfect custom glyphs when GPU acceleration is enabled. This change eliminates any gaps in boxes, even if line height or letter spacing adjustments are made, resulting in a more polished appearance and improved clarity.
In terms of functionality, version 1.60 includes updates that enhance the debugging experience. Developers can now set the value of a watched expression directly from the WATCH view using the new “Set Value” action in the context menu, adding flexibility to the debugging process. Furthermore, the editor now detects links within variable values, making it easier to follow links directly from the VARIABLES view, WATCH view, or Debug hover. This update complements the inclusion of TypeScript 4.4, which introduces new features such as static blocks and stricter type checking options, further enhancing the development environment.