AMD made a significant announcement on Thursday with the launch of its third-generation Ryzen Pro processors designed for business laptops. These new chips integrate the AI capabilities found in the Ryzen AI 300 series, introduced earlier this year, and aim to enhance productivity in professional settings.
The Ryzen AI Pro 300 family consists of three models, featuring core counts from eight to twelve, set to hit the market later this month. These processors are essentially the Ryzen AI 300 chips fortified with additional security features, built on the robust Zen 5 architecture. They bring more cores and enhanced RDNA 3.5 graphics to the table, alongside a remarkable increase in TOPS (trillions of operations per second) from the previous Ryzen Pro 8040 series, jumping from 16 to a range between 50 and 55 TOPS based on the model.
All models within the Ryzen AI Pro 300 series utilize a 4nm process technology, maintaining power consumption levels of 15 to 54 watts. The lineup includes the Ryzen AI 9 HX Pro 375, Ryzen AI 9 HX Pro 370, and Ryzen AI 7 HX Pro 360.
AMD is making a strong case for the Ryzen AI Pro 300 as the only X86 business processor meeting the 40-TOPS requirement for Microsoft’s Copilot+ PC standard. Meanwhile, Intel has yet to announce a business variant of its upcoming Lunar Lake processor, and Qualcomm previously led the market with its AI-enabled Snapdragon X Elite chip for Windows on Arm. For full AI functionality, AMD will also depend on an update from Microsoft.
In addition to the AI enhancements, AMD has introduced new security features such as Cloud Bare Metal Recovery, which facilitates cloud-based recovery, and AMD Device Identity, which ensures that authentic AMD chips can be traced throughout the supply chain. There’s also a Watch Dog Timer function that helps detect and recover stalled processes.
Although AMD remains a minority player in the notebook segment, it has seen a steady increase in market share, climbing from 16.5% a year ago to over 20% in the second quarter, as reported by Mercury Research. The company is set to release more than 100 notebook models featuring Ryzen AI Pro processors in collaboration with major manufacturers like HP and Lenovo.