Tiny 11 has gained a strong following for its ability to compress Windows 11, making it possible to install on devices with restricted storage. Now, with the major 24H2 update for Windows 11, Tiny 11 lets users keep their OS up to date without requiring substantial disk space.
According to developer NTDEV, Tiny 11, combined with LZX compression, allows for a full installation of Windows 11 24H2 in just 3.5GB—compared to the standard 20GB to 30GB size. This compact installation even fits on a single-layer DVD, making it ideal for smaller drives.
Tiny 11 achieves this by removing a range of Windows components like Clipchamp, Media Player, Internet Explorer, Edge, and OneDrive, as well as system libraries like WinSxS and Windows Update. This pared-down approach enables efficient use of limited space but limits flexibility; with updates disabled and customization options limited, Tiny 11 is more suited to niche cases, tight storage scenarios, or developmental testing.