Surfshark has launched its Black Friday deals early, giving you a head start on securing a great deal for online privacy and protection. You can lock in a 2-year subscription to the Surfshark Starter plan—which comes with a VPN and ad blocker—for just $55.72, or $1.99 per month. If you’re after more comprehensive protection, the Surfshark One plan adds features like real-time breach alerts, private search, and antivirus for $69.72 over two years (about $2.49 per month). Surfshark is also including an extra 4 months free with any plan.
With its top-tier server network, unlimited devices, streaming service unblocking, and excellent privacy measures, Surfshark has consistently delivered high-quality service. At this heavily discounted price, it’s the perfect time to grab a subscription and protect your online presence for the holidays and beyond.