It’s not surprising that many technology trends often mirror the patterns we see in the fashion world. While I’m not referring to our questionable dress sense as tech professionals, I’m talking about how we make decisions in the tech space. Right now, as you’re reading this, companies are throwing generative AI technologies like ChatGPT into their operations, hoping to achieve the same success that others have claimed. Commonwealth Bank of Australia, for instance, reports a significant reduction in scam losses and customer-reported fraud by using AI. While this is a victory for them, it’s important to realize that just because a technology works for one company doesn’t mean it’s the right fit for yours.
The key to making sound tech decisions lies in understanding your own needs and priorities, not just jumping on the latest trend. The success of generative AI, Kubernetes, or other tools should not be the driving force behind your tech strategy. It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement when you read about breakthroughs in the tech world, but it’s critical to assess whether a particular solution aligns with your organization’s unique challenges and goals. Technology decisions must be rooted in practicality, not just what’s trending in the industry.
Take Kubernetes, for example. Tom Howard aptly calls it “the most complicated simplification ever.” While Kubernetes is powerful, its complexity is often unnecessary for smaller-scale applications. Originally developed by Google for managing large-scale clusters, Kubernetes is designed for microservices architectures, making it ideal for high-volume, high-complexity environments. However, for most companies, especially those without massive cloud infrastructure needs, Kubernetes can feel like overkill. Despite its clear misalignment with many businesses’ needs, it’s still widely adopted due to its status as a “fashionable” technology.
This trend of choosing complexity for the sake of complexity is evident in how Kubernetes is often deployed inappropriately. One frustrated user described their experience with Kubernetes as constantly updating and fixing broken YAML files. Another user cynically suggested that senior engineers might be clinging to Kubernetes as a way to justify their roles by embedding themselves in complex systems. The drive to use fashionable technologies isn’t always about the right solution but about embracing the latest tech to appear ahead of the curve. Ultimately, the best IT strategy is one that is tailored to the specific needs of the company, rather than being dictated by trends.