In Java, nested classes are classes defined within the scope of another class. Using nested classes is a useful technique for organizing code, particularly when two classes are closely related. For example, if you have a top-level class that manages a collection of objects in a resizable array, and you need an iterator class to traverse through those objects, instead of cluttering the top-level class’s namespace, you can declare the iterator class as a nested class within the resizable array class. This keeps the two classes logically connected without unnecessarily exposing the iterator outside the collection class.
Nested classes in Java are divided into two main categories: static member classes and inner classes. Inner classes, in turn, include non-static member classes, local classes, and anonymous classes. Each type of nested class has different use cases and characteristics, which makes them suitable for different programming scenarios. Understanding how and when to use each of these nested class types is essential for improving the structure and readability of your Java programs.
One of the most important nested class types in Java is the static class, formally known as a static member class. Static member classes are declared using the static
keyword, similar to static methods and fields. The key distinction is that static classes do not have a direct reference to an instance of the outer class. Instead, they can only access static members of the outer class. This makes static member classes useful when the nested class does not need to interact with the instance variables of the outer class, but still logically belongs to it.
In addition to static member classes, Java supports inner classes, which are non-static and can access both static and non-static members of the outer class. Non-static member classes are tied to an instance of the outer class and often require an instance of the outer class to be created. Local classes are defined within methods and have access to local variables within those methods, while anonymous classes are used for creating unnamed instances of classes, typically for short-lived use cases such as event handling or callback implementations. Each of these inner class types offers flexibility in organizing your code based on the specific requirements of your application.