Many software managers claim to embrace “agility” in their work, but it’s rare to find one who has thoroughly engaged with the Agile Manifesto itself. Even fewer have taken the time to truly consider what “agile” means in a practical, real-world context. While the Agile Manifesto is revered among software developers for its promise of flexibility and adaptability, the gap often lies in its implementation. The question arises: “What comes next after adopting agility?” For many, the answer seems to be a quick fix: hire a scrum consultant and implement scrum, assuming that this will somehow make the team agile.
However, this approach may not align with the core principles of agile. Scrum has become a default method of choice for many organizations, driven by a market demand for agile frameworks. Consultants abound, ready to offer their expertise in guiding teams through scrum implementations. Yet, there seems to be a disconnect between what scrum advocates and the true spirit of the Agile Manifesto. Scrum, in its rigid structure, often feels more like a forced fit, rather than a flexible framework that adapts to a team’s needs. The notion that scrum truly reflects agile principles is, in the eyes of some, questionable.
Scrum tends to confine work into predefined time slots, often pushing teams to fit tasks into fixed, predetermined blocks. This approach does not take into account the possibility that the “peg” (work) may not naturally fit into the “hole” (timeframe) designated by the sprint. Despite the mismatch, the process forces teams to adjust the work to fit, even if the result is suboptimal. This rigidity contradicts the agile principle of prioritizing “individuals and interactions over processes and tools,” as it focuses more on adhering to strict processes rather than accommodating the evolving needs of the team.
Moreover, the constant sprinting required by scrum can lead to burnout and shallow solutions. The pressure to finish tasks within tight deadlines often sacrifices the quality and depth of the work. When new information or unexpected changes arise—inevitable in software development—scrum’s inflexible structure makes it difficult to pivot. The process demands that any changes or course corrections be postponed until the next sprint, which undermines the agile principle of “responding to change over following a plan.” Instead of fostering adaptability, scrum can force teams into a cycle of rushed work, unnecessary ceremonies, and endless meetings, leaving little room for the kind of thoughtful, thorough solutions that agile truly advocates.