As Apple gears up for today’s iPhone event, which is expected to feature new Apple Watch models including a potentially upgraded Apple Watch X, the current offer on the Apple Watch Ultra 2 becomes even more attractive. Rumors suggest the Ultra 2 may only receive a minor refresh, such as a new color option, rather than a major update. Therefore, the Amazon deal offering $110 off the usual $799 price is a standout opportunity.
This represents a record-low price for the Apple Watch Ultra 2, with discounts applicable to various band styles and sizes. The Ultra 2 is known for its impressive 49mm display and precise GPS capabilities, making it a great choice for adventurers and fitness enthusiasts alike. Its rugged titanium build is both strong and light, and the extended battery life supports multiple days of use. It also includes all the key features you’d expect, such as fitness tracking, heart-rate monitoring, and more.